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Welcome to Centre Wellington: Culture Matters!

In Centre Wellington, culture is at the heart of our community, shaping our identity and bringing us together. We take pride in our vibrant cultural scene, which is what truly sets us apart. Over the past few years, we've launched several exciting initiatives to nurture and support our cultural community. Our Cultural Action Plan, developed through extensive community engagement, serves as our roadmap for advancing cultural initiatives that enrich the lives of all residents.

This webpage is your go-to resource for everything related to our local culture, including a comprehensive Cultural Directory that highlights creative industries and organizations in our area.

Whether you’re looking to host a special event or enhance an existing one, our Community Development team are here to provide resources and support every step of the way.

Host and event

Your next event starts here!

We are excited to welcome and support Special Events in the Township of Centre Wellington! To ensure everything goes smoothly, it’s important to plan ahead.

Special events taking place at our facilities must follow all Township by-laws, policies, and procedures. Township staff will review and approve all special event elements to help make your event a resounding success!  

Please take a moment to go through the guidelines and requirements listed below for your specific special event needs. 

For more information please contact the Township's Community Development Coordinator 

We look forward to helping you bring your event to life!

Promote Your Event with the Township of Centre Wellington

Event organizers are invited to enhance their event's visibility by:

  • Tagging the Township’s social media accounts in your promotions.
  • Adding your event to the Township’s Calendar of Events.

Social Media Accounts:

  • Facebook: Township of Centre Wellington
  • Twitter/X: @CentrWellington
  • Instagram: @elorafergus

A post share is not a guarantee - if your post times well with the Township’s social media content calendar, then the post will be shared.

For guidelines and tips on sharing your event effectively, check out our Social Media Guide.

To learn more about the Township’s Branding and Social Media Policies & Guidelines, click here 


If you plan to sell or serve alcohol at your event, your request to do so should be received at least four months prior to the event date in order for the necessary approvals to be obtained by the Township. Permission may be granted for use of certain designated locations. If approval is granted, you will be required to comply with the Township’s Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP). The MAP outlines requirements for servers, monitors, fencing, event staff, security, etc., as determined by the Township and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

Event organizers are responsible to ensure all requirements and conditions outlined in the policy are adhered to at their event. Depending on if your event is private or public, you will be required to obtain a “Special Occasion Permit” (SOP) from the AGCO or hire a caterer who has a Catering Endorsement.

For further reference, please visit the AGCO website –

The cost to repair any damages to Township property will be the responsibility of the event organizer. Repair costs will be assessed and communicated to the event organizer by the Township staff as soon as possible, after the event is complete.

In many Township parks/grounds there are underground utilities buried below the surface of the park.

All requests for installation of any object that penetrates the ground including fence posts, tent poles/pegs, and sign installations must be pre-approved to avoid damage to underground utilities.

 It is the responsibility of the event organizer to arrange for locates and to provide a copy of the locate sheet to the Township prior to set up.

Locates are valid for 60 days.

You may want to consult with other organizations that are hosting events at the same location during this time to discuss cost sharing opportunities.

For more information or to book, please contact: Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 (free service). Other providers that charge a fee may be found locally.

The event organizer must ensure adequate electrical supply capacity, through the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), is available and must confirm with the supply authority what the electrical requirements will be for their event.  All equipment must be CSA or ESA approved, and if connected without approval, may result in a fine.  Public event organizers are expected to arrange their own hydro inspection and must obtain all necessary permits required in the Township of Centre Wellington and contact ESA prior to the event (minimum 48 hours notice).  

Generators - shall be positioned so as not to create a hazard, disturb or cause nuisance as the result of noise emissions and exhaust fumes. The use of generators at an event site is subject to the Township of Centre Wellington and the Electrical Safety Authority approval.

The event organizer is responsible for ensuring that an emergency plan is in place. Emergency plans must be developed specific to the special event activities, including written plans for communication responsibilities, coordination with authorities, weather, personal and property damage.

Event organizers are responsible for tracking and communicating extreme weather conditions to event participants and attendees before and during the event. Hot temperatures, high winds, heavy rain, snow, and sleet can all pose safety risks for special events.

For all events with service of alcohol and/or expected attendance of 3000 or more an EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN will be requested in addition to other standard requirements.  

• If requested, the emergency action plan must be developed in order to ensure all aspects of public safety are addressed (e.g. emergency medical services, security, communication tactics, social media management etc.).

• If requested, the emergency action plan must be submitted to the Township a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the event.

• All costs associated with the preparing of emergency action plans and complying with required paid duty police officers, medical services and security shall be solely borne by the Event Organizer unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Event Organizer and the Township.

Included with your Emergency Action Plan, a Mandatory Emergency preparedness meeting will be required prior to your event.  An attempt must be made to have the following in attendance where applicable:

Township Staff (including Fire)



AGCO (where applicable)

Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health

Guelph-Wellington Paramedic Service

All event organizers must ensure an emergency route at least 12' wide is kept clear of temporary or permanent installments (i.e., tents, vendors, stage, rides, games, etc.) at all times during the event, should an emergency vehicle require access through the site.

All events with service of alcohol and/or expected attendance of 500 or more must provide First-Aid on site (St John Ambulance or similar).

It is recommended EMS medical on site services should be considered for: Events with 3000+ in attendance and/or events serving alcohol. 

A permit is required for all open air burning in the Township.

Applicants must obtain written permission from the property owner. A site inspection will be scheduled. An operational, certified fire extinguisher is required by the fire.

If the fire is to be located on Township property, non-traditional campfires are permitted, providing the event organizer uses a CSA/TSSA approved propane fire bowl. No materials other than propane shall be burnt in the unit and must always be supervised with an extinguishment agent near by.   No traditional campfires are permitted, and all other rules apply. 

By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department

For more information on Open-Air Fires in the Township of Centre Wellington, view By-law 2019-35 and By-law Amendment 2024-14

About Centre Wellington Fire Rescue | Township of Centre Wellington

Contact Fire Prevention at or 519-843-1950 for more information, proper licensing and to determine if locates are required.

Events with a fireworks display require approval from the Centre Wellington Fire Department prior to the event. Specific insurance requirements must also be met before a permit can be issued.

An application for approval to discharge fireworks in the Township of Centre Wellington is required to be submitted at least 14 days prior to your event. 

Please refer to the Fireworks By-Law for more details or contact or 519-843-1950 for more information

As the event organizer, you are required to complete the following:

  1. Review the Special Event Information at the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) Unit Website
  2. Complete the WDGPH Special Event Organizer Application form at least 60 days before the event.
  3. Notify Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health of any significant changes to the original application

During the event, Public Health Inspectors may inspect food vendors to ensure safe food handling practices are being followed.

  1. Ensure your vendors providing food to the public fill out the WDGPH Special Event Vendor Application Form

·       Each event organizer is responsible for ensuring all vendors have completed this at least 14 days before the event.

  1. Have each of your vendors selling food to the public, fill out the Township of Centre Wellington Application for Vendor Licence – Food Vehicle and send it to Vendors must provide all requested documents listed in the application form with their application.

·       Each event organizer is responsible for collecting a completed PDF form and sending them all to The Township of Centre Wellington Legislative Services at least 14 days before the event with all required documentation. 

For more information, please contact Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health 1-800-265-7293 x 4753 or or Township of Centre Wellington Legislative Services 519-846-9691 x 306

Please note:

·       All vendors utilizing propane or electrical appliances must be inspected by Centre Wellington Fire Department at least one week prior to the event. 

·       All vendors utilizing gas appliances are required to have an annual TSSA (Technical Standards Safety Authority) inspection. 

·       Approved appliances located on ground level require three meter clearance to combustibles and must be protected by barrier fencing.

·       Appropriate portable fire extinguishers are required for all appliances. Inspection and maintenance tags must be affixed to each extinguisher.

·       All food truck, trailer, or portable units where cooking is conducted, a MFSE certificate is required


For more Information, please contact or 519-843-1950.  Please refer to the NFPA Food Truck Safety Checklist for guidance. 

The use of inflatable equipment (Inflatables/Bouncy Castles) are not permitted on Township Property. 

Proof of insurance coverage is required for all events happening on Township property. Insurance coverage is necessary in order to protect yourself and the Township against any possible litigation (lawsuits) as a result of your event.

Event organizers will provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance to the Township’s Community Development Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the event. Please ensure that:

• The Township of Centre Wellington is named as an ADDITIONAL INSURED on the Certificate of Insurance.

• The type of insurance coverage is COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY, inclusive of bodily injury and property damage, in a minimum amount of $5 million per occurrence. (Larger events may be required to obtain a higher amount).

• Licensed events must also obtain Host Liquor Liability Insurance.

It is the responsibility of the organizer to meet the requirements put in place by their insurance company.  Please ensure  the name on your application and the name on the insurance provided match.

For all events with service of alcohol and/or expected attendance of 3000 or more an Event Layout Plan is required.  To ensure the safety of all visitors to your event (e.g., to reduce risk of complaints, injury, liability action) a layout of all event activity locations is to be submitted to the Township.

Once approved, this plan is to be adhered to. The site plan will be in place so that staff can review the organizer’s plans and ensure the layout of the stages, licensed areas and other activities comply with approved uses for Township property.

Note: High impact activities such as stages must be located to minimize sound level impact on surrounding residents and businesses.

The Township has limited quantities of equipment available to rent for the purpose of special events. At the Cultural Resource Centre, we can assist events to be better organized and safe, resulting in the ultimate visitor experiences and favourable economic consequences for the community.

Access the Cultural Resource Centre / Watercart Order Forms

All Parks labour in addition to routine maintenance of the Park / Event Space will be billable to the Event Organizer based on the cost set in the Parks & Recreation annual Rates and fees.

The use of amplified sound for special events is permitted from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM and must remain at an acceptable level as stated in the Township of Centre Wellington Noise By-Law.

Exemptions to the Noise By-Law 5001-05 or as amended may be granted and require approval by Township Council or delegates. The application for noise exemption must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to event date.  Please refer to the Grant of Exemption by Council section of the By-law for further details.

A parking plan may be required if an event has potential to impact Township of Centre Wellington parking facilities and/or streets. There is no provision in the By-law to provide exceptions during any events.

The parking plan will need to address:

1.       The availability of surrounding streets and lots where parking may be allowed. The event organizer will be responsible for making suitable parking arrangements and providing any overflow parking requirements.


2.       The provision of event volunteers on-site (in the parking, and non-parking areas) to provide participants with appropriate parking information/direction related to the event.


3.       Where parking signs will be located during the event to inform drivers of where to park.

Information on Parking in Centre Wellington or by contacting  

All Events using patio heaters must review the TSSA safety guidelines and comply to the Safety checklist.  For more information, please visit Patio Heater Safety - TSSA

Petting zoos or other animals exhibits on Township property, must receive approval. Event organizers having Petting zoos/animals at their event must advise and comply with the Petting Zoo guidelines as outlined by Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.   For more information please visit Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health Special Event or contact 1-800-265-7293 x 4753

Event organizers may prohibit dog or pet owners from bringing animals to their event.  Signs should be erected communicating this.  Event organizers will be encouraged to promote the owners leave their pets at home.  This is to provide a safe and clean environment for guests and to avoid the distress and confusion for pets.  Excludes persons reliant upon service animals or persons having obtained an exemption or written authorization.

Event Organizers must provide appropriate security personnel for your event. Extra duty police may be required (subject to review by Ontario Provincial Police). In accordance with the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 (PSISA), event Security Guards must be licensed by the Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services and must wear a regulation uniform while carrying out their security duties.

Uniform Requirements:

• The term “SECURITY” or “SECURITY GUARD” must be displayed on the uniform in specific places and specific dimensions.

• The uniform must include an identification tag, which shows the licensee’s name, or license number or both.

• A security guard uniform should not bear any traits that resemble a police uniform, such as rank chevrons, a police-style forage cap, or stripes down the side of the trousers.

 Who needs a security guard license? Individuals are required to have a security guard license if they perform work, for remuneration, that consists primarily of protecting persons or property. This includes but is not limited to bodyguards, bouncers and loss prevention personnel, and more generally speaking, individuals who patrol premises.

 Depending on the elements of your event, police paid duty officers may be required. Township of Centre Wellington staff will meet with the event organizer to confirm requirements. Payment for police paid duty services is the responsibility of the event organizer.

For all events with service of alcohol and/or expected attendance of 3000 or more a Pre/Post Event Site Walk will be requested in addition to other standard requirements.  Book an event site walk for before and/or after your event, with the Community Development Coordinator to review all site plans and the condition of the site.

Operation of a lottery, raffle or bazaar within the Township of Centre Wellington, must comply with all Provincial and Municipal regulations to be considered for approval.

Lottery licences issued by the Township include

bingo events, with prize boards of up to $5,500;

media bingo events with prizes up to $5,500;

break open tickets for local organizations;

raffle lotteries for total prizes of $50,000 and under; and

bazaar lotteries which include: wheels of fortune with a maximum bet of $2.00, raffles not exceeding $500, and bingo events up to $500.

More information can be found through the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario ( or contact the Township of Centre Wellington Legislative Services 519-846-9691 x 306

A Road Closure Permit will be required if your event takes place on a road and/or sidewalk.

Please complete Application for Road Closure/Special Event Request Form if your event will take place on road allowances and submit to a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event.

All events must ensure that an emergency route at least 12’ wide is kept clear of temporary or permanent installations (i.e., tents, vendors, stage, rides, games, etc.) at all times during the event should an emergency vehicle require access through the site.

Events using the road (shared use) must comply with existing traffic regulations. These include, but are not limited to; obeying traffic signals, speed limits, etc. 

Event organizers are responsible to ensure access to adequate washroom facilities and washbasins during events. If washroom facilities do not exist at the event location, the Township of Centre Wellington recommends the following:

Number of units required when no service is Based on a 50/50 mix of Men and Women.  It is recommended for every 10 washrooms an accessible washroom is provided.

Average Crowd Size

Average Hours at Event



































































































Site Access for deliveries must be confirmed with the Community Development Coordinator.

Temporary directional signage can be erected on the public road allowance to direct the public to a non-profit charitable events without a sign permit. Directional signage can be erected 7 days prior to the event and must be removed by 11:59 pm of the day the event ends. These signs shall have a maximum height of 1m (3.3ft), maximum area of 0.4 sqm(4.7sqft) per sign face, and shall be located a minimum of 3m (9’-10”) apart. A maximum of 10 off-site signs are allowed.

All mobile signs require a sign permit. To make your mobile sign permit application, please submit the following one month before your event:

        Sign permit application form including display dates

o   Mobile signs are permitted to be displayed for a maximum of 30 days

        Written permission from the property owner

        Site plan showing the location of the mobile sign showing setbacks from property lines, driveways, etc.

o   Minimum 1.0m (3’-3”) from property line

o   Minimum 3.0m (9’-10”) from side property line or driveway entrance

o   Minimum 15m (50’-0”) from an intersection of two streets

        Details of the sign drawn to scale, including sign dimensions, height, design/graphics to be displayed

o   Maximum 1.8m (6’-0”) In height

o   Maximum 2.4m (8’-0”) in width or 4.4 sqm (48 sqft) in sign area

   Please contact the Building Department at or 519-846-9691 ext 907 with any questions.  


Completion of a Site Plan is required for all events and should include the following event elements (if applicable):

• Access points • Vendors • Tents • Signs • Stages • Inflatables • Amusement Rides • Designated Alcohol Area

• Bleachers • Barricades • Parking • Generators • Water Stations • First Aid Centre • Portable Washrooms

• Animal Exhibit • Fencing • Fireworks/Fire • Fire Extinguishers • Vehicles onsite during event

• Other moveable or fixed elements

High impact/sound elements such as stages and certain carnival rides must be located in an appropriate area to minimize sound level impact on surrounding residents and businesses.

The Province of Ontario has made it illegal to smoke/vape in public outdoor spaces with the Smoke Free Ontario Act. This applies to all special events on Township of Centre Wellington property. Smoking refers to the smoking or holding of lighted tobacco or cannabis (medical or recreational). Vaping refers to inhaling or exhaling vapor from an electronic cigarette, or holding an activated electronic cigarette, whether or not the vapor contains nicotine.

It is the event organizer’s responsibility to post related signage at the event for visitors to be informed of the Smoke-Free Ontario initiative.  Signage is available through Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.

For more information please visit Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health Special Event or contact 1-800-265-7293 x 4753

All tents must be secured with stakes or weights to the ground for safety. Any tents that are being staked or pegged require utility locates.

The Ontario Building Code requires building permits for any tent that exceeds 60m² (646ft²) in ground area. A building permit would also be required for a group of tents that exceed 60m² (646ft²) in aggregate ground area. A group of tents refers to tents located closer than 3m to one another. Tents over 600m2 in size require an engineered design.  Please fill out Temporary Tent Permit  and submit to  at least one month prior to your event.  

All tents used for an event, shall be fire retardant treated and have a corresponding certificate, which must be available should the Centre Wellington Fire Department request it. Tents may also need to be inspected by the Centre Wellington Fire Department.

All stalls/booths/tents used for an event as a place of assembly (e.g., beer or food tents), are to be equipped with multi-purpose portable fire extinguishers rated a minimum 2A10BC.

No cooking, no smoking and no open flame devices are permitted in a tent or air-supported structure occupied by the public, or where there is storage of combustibles such as hay or straw.

For more Information, please contact or 519-843-1950. 

A building permit application is required for a stage where: 

A stage of any size is or has components higher than 5m (16ft), or

A stage of any height is bigger than 225sqm (2,2421 sqft), or

The stage is bigger than 60sqm (646sqft) AND higher than 3m (9.8ft)

A building permit is also required for ‘demountable support structures’ (ie. a structure supporting banners, sound equipment, lighting equipment, etc.) where:

The structure is more than 3m (9.8ft) in height, or

Designed to carry loads greater than 115kg, or

Would create a hazard to the public

The design of the stage and any related elements are required to be signed off by a Professional Engineer. An on-site general review by a Professional Engineer will be required before the use of the structures. 

Please contact Building Services at 519-846-9691 ext 907 or for building permit inquiries at least one month prior to your event. 

In order to protect members of the public, as well as the parks for future use, the access of vehicles in parks must be approved by the Township of Centre Wellington. The event organizer will ensure that vehicle access into the park is controlled and monitored throughout the event (including set up and teardown) at all access points designated, allowing entry to emergency vehicles only, during event operating hours.

Designated service vehicles such as golf carts used for transporting supplies, removing garbage or first aid must be approved prior to use on Township property.

A Transient Trader means any person who offers goods, wares or merchandise for sale in any manner in the Township. No person shall operate as a transient trader within the Township of Centre Wellington without a license to do so.



Transient Trader – Annual


Transient Trader – Daily


Community Event


Special Event Organizers who have vendors at their event are required to apply for vendor licenses with the Township of Centre Wellington. 

·    Each event organizer is responsible for collecting a completed PDF form and sending them all to the Township of Centre Wellington at least 14 days before the event.

For More Information, please contact the Township of Centre Wellington Legislative Services 519-846-9691 x 306

Groups are encouraged to develop their own volunteer management practices. These practices may include items such as;

• All volunteers must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are performing a service at their own risk and do not have access to the Township’s workers compensation or accident benefit program.

• All volunteers must be provided with the proper tools and equipment to ensure that their volunteer position can be completed in a safe manner.

• All volunteers must receive adequate training based upon their function to ensure they can perform tasks in a safe and efficient manner.

• All volunteers who work directly with seniors or children must provide a current vulnerable sector screening to be provided by the local Police Department.

Event organizers are responsible for waste control and pick up, (including the use of grease and recycling containers), during and after the event. Regular pickup of waste throughout the event is expected in order to ensure a sanitary environment and reduce the attraction of nuisance birds and vermin.

Large events will be required to organize the rental of an appropriately sized garbage dumpster or other means to collect and remove the garbage.

Any costs attributed to the clean up of waste after the event (in order to return the park/facility to its original pre-event condition), will be charged to the permit holder.

Additional Cultural Resources

Looking to elevate your event to new heights? We’re here to assist!

The Township of Centre Wellington is dedicated to empowering organizations in their quest to host outstanding community events. At the Cultural Resource Centre, we offer a range of rental resources, including our Watercart for convenient access to municipal drinking water, ensuring your gathering flows effortlessly. We aim to assist organizations in providing enjoyable experiences for attendees, helping to enhance the economic vitality of our community.

Cultural Resource Centre (CRC)

The Cultural Resource Centre (CRC) serves as a supportive hub for cultural organizations within the Township of Centre Wellington, providing a one-stop shop for all your event needs.

The CRC offers a variety of event resources available for rent to event organizers hosting activities in Township spaces. By becoming a partner with the CRC, community groups and event organizers have the opportunity to donate or share resources in exchange for dedicated storage solutions. This collaboration not only helps streamline event planning but also fosters a sense of community among local organizations.

Cultural Resource Inventory & Order Form

How to become a partner​

If you are interested renting equipment or in becoming a partner, please contact the Township's Community Development Coordinator.

Do you have a surplus of equipment that could be of use to a community event?  Please contact us to discuss!

Water Cart

Thanks to a successful partnership between major festival groups—including the Fergus Scottish Festival, Riverfest Elora, Fergus Fall Fair, and the Elora Festival—and the Township, a refurbished water cart has been jointly purchased to provide free municipal water for festivals and events in Centre Wellington.

The Water Cart features:

  • Four water bottle fillers
  • Four drinking fountains
  • Accessibility-compliant design

The Water Cart is available for events held in Centre Wellington that have access to a municipal water source. This service is offered from May 1st to September 30th, ensuring that your event can provide hydration to attendees during the warmer months.

The cart is on wheels and connects directly to a municipal water spigot, making it easy to set up at your event. Please note that delivery and inspection of the Water Cart by Township staff will occur during the following hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8 AM – 4 PM
  • Friday: 8 AM – 11 AM
  • Excluding holidays

If you are interested in renting the water cart for your festival or event please fill out the Watercart Application Form or contact the Community Development Coordinator.  

Culture Days 2024 

Thank you to everyone who participated in Culture Days 2024, organized by the Township of Centre Wellington (Elora & Fergus Tourism) in partnership with the Elora Fergus Arts Council!

This year’s theme, "CommUNITY: A Melody of 25 Years," celebrated the harmony and diversity of our vibrant cultural tapestry. From September 20th to October 13th, our community came together for three weeks filled with free, interactive arts and culture events, showcasing the creativity that makes Centre Wellington unique.

We appreciate all the cultural creators, artists, and community groups who contributed to making Culture Days 2024 an unforgettable celebration! 

Culture Days 2025 - September 19th-October 12


Centre Wellington enthusiastically embarked on a Cultural Planning Process in 2012-2013 with the following outcomes.

  • Engage the community to the fullest extent
  • Create a detailed inventory of cultural treasures (our cultural map​)
  • Develop a plan to guide Centre Wellington's economic and cultural growth

The result of 2 years of consultation and research engaged 1000+ community members and demonstrated that in Centre Wellington Culture Matters. The resulting Cultural Action Plan outlined 3 themes with 7 goals and 33 recommendations to develop the vision of culture in this amazing community.​

The Cultural Directory, developed from the​​ Cultural Map features the cultural highlights, businesses and organizations within Centre Wellington.​ Find information or a cultural treasure, look for opportunities to collaborate, or plan an event. The directory is your guide to cultural information.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Fergus Grand Theatre for the screening of The Secret Path in recognition of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. We are grateful for your presence and commitment to this important conversation.

Reconciliation is not just one day of the year; it is an ongoing journey that requires us all to listen, learn, and take meaningful action. For additional resources and ways to get involved, we encourage you to visit the The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund Resources 

Let’s continue this journey together.

For more information, please contact 


Theatre for Young Audiences Program – The Three Musketeers

A FREE Opportunity for Grade 2 Students at the Fergus Grand Theatre!

Th Township of Centre Wellington Members of Council are excited to offer the Theatre for Young Audiences program for local grade 2 students. This initiative gives children the opportunity to experience the magic of live theatre at the Fergus Grand Theatre, featuring the performance of The Three Musketeers by Dufflebag Theatre.

Performance Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, May 21 2025
  • Morning Show: 10:00 AM
  • Afternoon Show: 1:00 PM
  • Theatre Capacity: 250 seats per performance
  • Accessible Spaces: 4 accessible spaces available
  • Eligibility: Grade 2 classes in Centre Wellington. Split 1/2 and 2/3 classes are welcome.
  • Registration: First come, first served basis. 

Registration Information:

To register your class for this free event, please fill out the registration form below by April 1st. While we will do our best to accommodate specific show time requests, availability cannot be guaranteed.

Registration Form

Benefits of Theatre for Young Audiences Programs:

Introducing young students to the world of live theatre offers numerous educational and social benefits. By attending a performance like The Three Musketeers, students gain valuable opportunities to:

  • Enhance Creativity & Critical Thinking: Exposure to live performances encourages students to use their imagination and think critically about the stories being told.
  • Improve Literacy Skills: Watching a play can deepen students’ understanding of storytelling, character development, and plot structure.
  • Foster Social Skills: Theatre teaches important life skills such as empathy, teamwork, and communication.
  • Learn Timeless Values: The lessons taught through stories like The Three Musketeers—such as friendship, bravery, and loyalty—are universal and impactful for young minds.


The Fergus Grand Theatre is committed to providing an accessible experience for all students. We have 4 accessible spaces available per performance to ensure every child can participate in this wonderful opportunity.

Important Information:

  • Deadline to Submit Registration: April 1st
  • Limited Seating: Only 250 seats are available per performance, so early registration is encouraged.

For more information about the performance, please visit the Dufflebag Theatre website: 

We look forward to welcoming your class to this exciting and educational theatre experience!

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